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?>Berkshire Outdoor Education Trust

About BOET

About BOET

The Berkshire Outdoor Education Trust (BOET) was founded in 1977/78. The original purpose of the Trust was to locate and operate an Outdoor Education Centre for the use of Berkshire school children. The Trust was started with the active encouragement and support of Berkshire County Council and its then Director of Education, Peter Edwards and the late John Wood Griffiths an officer in the Berkshire Education department.

Grant Application

Grant Application

Schools wishing to apply for grants should read the criteria and download the application form found in the GRANTS section of the website. The Trust meets in June and October each year and the completed application form and accompanying letter should be with the Secretary to the Trust by the 30th May, prior to the June meeting.

Contact Us

Welcome to our website

Please see CONTACT US for the postal and e-mail addresses of the Secretary to the Trust to whom the application form and all other communications with the Trust should be sent.  The Trust would welcome feed-back on content and in particular whether there is any additional information which visitors would find useful.       

Latest News

Latest News

04 Aug 20
Petition DfE to re-open outdoor education centres.  Read here.

Aims & Objectives

Aims & Objectives

Berkshire Outdoor Education Trust Ltd. (BOET) gives grants to assist Berkshire schoolchildren, to participate in a visit to a centre for outdoor education in the UK.   

 Applicants intending to visit the Outdoor Education Centre at Rhos y Gwaliau in North Wales will be favoured but this should not deter schools from making applications for grants towards other outdoor education activities.

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